Diamondland Coin

A highly scalable, fast and secure blockchain platform for distributed apps, enterprise use cases and the new internet economy.

Making Blockchain Accessible for Everybody

We bring exciting financial solutions for businesses with lower costs and mitigating risk factors for future overhauling.

Each DiamondLand Coin gets you a specific portion of Diamonds and Land based on the number of coins you hold.

Mining diamond is as tough as
the diamond itself

Extraordinary reach.
Extraordinary results

It's time to think outside the box
on real estate

Widespread Adoption

From the first, to the most used, stablecoin, and one of the most traded tokens by volumn, Diamondland coin tokens have come a long way.


What is DiamondLand Coin?

Diamond Coin is a digital currency backed by physical diamonds and land worth the price of every individual coin.

How Diamond Land Coin can be used?

You can use DLC just like any other cryptocurrency in the world. Use it for purchases and transfers over the blockchain network.

How to earn with Diamond Land Coin?

DLC can be traded on all leading exchanges as a crypto asset and you can thus earn from the fluctuation in its price over time.


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21 July 2022

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21 July 2022

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